CSPB Project Manpower Recruitment Oral Test Schedule. Schedule of Oral Examination It is hereby informed for the information and necessary action of all concerned that the oral examination of those who passed the written examination for the post of Child Protection Social Worker and Psychosocial Counselor of CSPB Project under Social Services Directorate held on 20/01/2024 at Room No. 801, CSPB Project Head as per the following schedule It will be held at Office (8th Floor), Directorate of Social Services, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207.
CSPB Viva Schedule 2024

At the time of appearing in the oral examination, the candidates should present their educational qualification and experience certificate, citizenship certificate issued by the Chairman/Mayor/Councilor of the area where the candidate is a permanent resident, National Identity Card/Birth Certificate, three copies of passport size color photograph in original of all documents/certificates and one set Photocopy (Attested by 1st Class Officer) to be submitted for office use.