rri.teletalk.com.bd Apply | RRI Job Circular 2023 – River Research Institute Job Circular

rri.teletalk.com.bd Apply | RRI Job Circular 2023. River Research Institute Job Circular. On-line (http://rri.teletalk.com.bd) applications are invited from genuine Bangladeshi citizens under the conditions mentioned next to the following posts for recruitment of manpower on a temporary basis in the revenue sector posts of River Research Institute. The age limit of the candidate as of 01 September 2023 should be as described in column 3 of the notification. However, the age limit is relaxable up to 18-32 years in case of sons and daughters of veer mukti joddha/martyr veer mukti joddha and physically challenged. An affidavit is not admissible for proof of age.


The River Research Institute Employees Employment Regulations, 2019 will be followed to fill up the vacant posts in serial numbers 1-5 of the table mentioned in this recruitment notification.” Candidates working in Govt/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organizations must apply with permission from the appropriate authority. Employed candidates should tick (v) in the box of Departmental Candidate while filling out the application form subject to fulfillment of all conditions. This condition does not apply to others. However, all the serving candidates are required to submit the original copy of the objection clearance issued by the appointing authority at the time of oral examination. The existing rules and regulations of the government in the matter of recruitment and any subsequent amendments to the relevant rules will be followed.


River Research Institute Recruitment Circular 2023





Candidates who want to participate in the exam can fill out the application form on this website http://rri.teletalk.com.bd. Online Application Form Filling and Exam Fee Submission Start Date & Time: 16/11/2023 AD: AM- 10:00 AM. Last date and time for submission of application form online: 30/11/2013 AD: PM- 05:00 PM. Candidates who have received a User ID within the said period can submit the exam fee via SMS within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submission of the application form online. In the online application form, the candidate will scan his signature (length 300 × width 80 pixels) and color photograph (length 300 × width 300 pixels) and upload it at the designated place. The photo size should be a maximum of 100KB and the signature size should be 60 KB.


As the information filled in the online application form will be used in all the subsequent activities, the candidate will be 100% sure about the correctness of all the information filled out before submitting the application form online. A color print copy of the application form filled online by the candidate is helpful for any examination-related needs Save as Rules for sending SMS and payment of examination fee: After completing the application form by filling the application form (Application Form) online properly and uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer. Candidates who have submitted the application form correctly will get an Applicant’s copy with a User ID, photograph, and signature.


However, no further changes/amendments/enhancements are acceptable after the submission of the application fee. Therefore, before submitting the application fee, the candidate must have his recent color photograph, accurate information, and signature attached to the applicant’s copy and confirm its correctness by downloading the PDF copy and saving it in color. will do Applicant’s copy should be printed or downloaded and saved. The applicant’s copy will contain a User ID number and using the User ID number the candidate can send 02 (2) SMS through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number in the following manner for the examination fee for serial no. 1-2 post for examination fee 200/- (Two Hundred) Taka and Service Charge of Teletalk 23/- Total 223/- (Two Hundred and Twenty-Three) and Examination Fee for Rank 3-5 Posts Rs.100/- (One Hundred) and Service Charge of Teletalk Rs.12/- Deposit a total of 112/- (one hundred times) within 72 (seventy-two) hours. It is specially mentioned here that ‘Even if all the parts of the application form have been filled and submitted online, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted’.


Receipt of admit card will be intimated in due course on the website http://rri.teletalk.com.bd and through SMS on the candidate’s mobile phone (only eligible candidates). All communication related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so it is recommended to keep the number active at all times, read the SMS, and follow the instructions received immediately. After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, candidates will download and print the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time place/center name, etc. The candidate must produce the admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and, if passed, at the time of the oral test; Candidates can recover their User ID and Password by following the below-mentioned SMS procedure only from Teletalk pre-paid mobile phone.

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