Primary assistant teacher exam syllabus 2023

Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 Syllabus pdf. Primary teacher recruitment syllabus pdf. Primary Teacher Recruitment Exam 2023 Syllabus pdf. Primary Teacher Recruitment Suggestion 2023. Primary Teacher Recruitment Question. Recruitment of primary teachers. Section-wise circulars have already been given in the primary. Tips for newbies will read, read, and read. If the preparation is BCS oriented then the job is for you. Especially in sadar upazilas, if you don’t get a lot of marks, there is no possibility of re-entry. Viva is not a fact if you can carry good marks in writing.

And if you get low marks in return, no matter how good you give in viva, there is no chance of getting a job. So Reten should be given more importance. If you can carry 80-90% marks in retention, no tension, do it.

14-15 out of 20 if you can’t answer even one question when you appear on the viva board. Vibe does not fail anyone in the primary. The merit list is prepared on the basis of the highest marks by adding Viva marks to written marks. So keep Retain in focus.

Many people say that brother is not good, so-and-so is not getting a job. Many people say, Uncle, Khalu is not there, I did not give a bribe. These words are baseless. Now recruitments are 100% transparent. Dreaming that you will get a job even if you have a bag of money, uncle is empty means living in a fool’s paradise. Forget these things and be patient. Inshallah, something good is waiting for you.

Achma bint Ayyub
Assistant Teacher (2020)
Government Primary School.

Primary Teacher Recruitment Syllabus 2023


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