NTRCA Teachers Salary and Benefits

The salary and benefits of NTRCA recruits are discussed in detail below. NTRCA – Non-Government Teachers Registration & Certification Authority. Why is the salary of assistant teachers so low? The salary and benefits of those appointed are discussed in detail below. Salary and benefits of teachers appointed by NTRCA.

1. Lecturer: College (Ninth Grade)

  • Basic Salary: 22,000/=
  • House Rent: 1,000/=
  • Medical Allowance: 500/=
  • Total: 23,500/=
  • After 10 years, he became an assistant professor
  • Basic Salary 35,000/=
  • House rent 1000/=
  • Medical Allowance 500/=
  • Total 36,500/=
  • Principal Hall
  • Salary 50,000/=
  • House Rent: 1,000/=
  • Medical Allowance: 500/=
    Total: 51,500/=

2. Assistant Teacher: School (Grade XI)

  • Basic Salary: 12,500/=
  • House Rent: 1,000/=
  • Medical Allowance: 500/=
  • Total: 14,000/=
  • If he has a B.Ed degree then he will be in 10th grade then the salary will be
  • Basic Salary 16,000/=
  • House Rent: 1,000/=
  • Medical Allowance: 500/=
    Total: 17,500/=

Note: Initially gives 5 years to do BED. After 10 years of service in 10th grade will be promoted to senior teacher (in 9th grade).

3. Junior Teacher: School-II (Grade Sixteen)

  • Basic Salary: 9,300/=
  • House Rent: 1,000/=
  • Medical Allowance: 500/=
  • Total: 10,800/= 


All in the above 3 categories will get 2 festival allowances of 25% of their basic pay every year. Boishakhi allowance of 20% of the principal/basic pay will be given once a year. An allowance of 5% of basic is given in July for inflation. Besides, some school colleges (a number are very few) divide the money among the teachers if the school/college fund is sold after spending the annual salary+fees from the students. All the above 3 categories get a 5% increment of their basic pay every year.

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