Roll number of the candidates who passed the written examination held on 06.05.2023 for the post of Medical Technologist (Laboratory/Radiography/Dental/Physiotherapy/Radiotherapy) and Pharmacist (Diploma) in various health service institutions of the Directorate of Health under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s Health Services Department (in order of roll ) as follows. If any candidate provisionally considered for the oral examination does not have the prescribed educational qualification, fails to produce the prescribed documents/certificates/attestations, resorts to cheating, furnishes any wrong or false information or conceals the necessary information,
If a fake certificate is presented, any part of the certificate related to age and educational qualification is tampered with or changed and if any serious error or deficiency is found in the application form before or after the oral examination at any stage as per the notification conditions, legal action will be taken including canceling the candidature of the said candidate. The venue and schedule of the oral examination will be published later on the website of the Department of Health (
Medical Technologist Result 2023 – Result