The Logbook of the Internship Program for the Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery course is designed to support the student nurses from transition to professional practice. During this program, the Intern will work with an individual preceptor(s) to synthesize knowledge and skills gained from previous coursework over the past three years and apply them to various patient populations. Emphasis is placed on refining nursing process skills with particular attention given to prioritization of care. The practice provides an opportunity for the intern to enact professional practice and demonstrate competencies (knowledge, skills, attitude, and ability) in providing evidence-based care.
All instructions are enclosed with this logbook including the list of procedures. The competencies are arranged as per area of practice. The student will acquire clinical competencies by observing and demonstrating the procedures several times until passed. The internship program will be managed by the Nursing Internship Program Committee (NIPC). This logbook will be effective from the session of 2018-2019.
Sl. Texts Page No.
1. Introduction and Purpose of the Logbook 1
2. Purpose and Goals of Internship Program 1
3. Objectives and Course Structure 2
4. Internship Clinical Rotation and Selected Department for Internship 3
5. Master Plan of Internship Clinical Rotation 4
6. Schedule for Clinical Practice 5
7. Responsibilities for the Interns 6
8. Generic Competencies for the Interns 7
9. Group discussion/Case conference topics 8
10. Structure of the Nursing Internship Program Committee 9
11. Instructions for the Nursing Internship Program Committee 10-11
12. Activities related to grading and certification 11
13. Guidelines for Nursing Internship Program Committee 12
14. Instructions for Interns 13
15. Code of conduct, rules, and regulations, and notes for NIPC and Interns 14
16. Induction course at Hospital 15
17. Grading parameter & mark distribution 16
18. Grading System 16
19. Instruction for logbook & competence marking 17
20. Log Book 18-23
21. Generic competency 24
22. Annex-1: Grading sheet 25
23. Annex-2: Sample of Certificate 26
24. Annex-3: Sample of observation checklist 27-29
25. Checklist for evaluator 30-51
26. Structure, responsibility, and criteria of forming the Committee 52
27. List of Contributors 53-55
Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery Course Internship Log Book 2024 pdf Download
Course Structure
Total duration 06 (six) months = 182 days
Duration of practice 26 wks x 6 days = 156 days
Weekly holidays 26 wks x 1 day = 26 days (±)
Working hours for each of the =6 hours (Morning & Evening shift)/12 hrs
individual day (Night shift)Hours per week =48 hours
Total hours within the internship period: 48 hrs. x 26 wks/156 days/1248 hrs