degree 2nd-year exam routine 2023 pdf Download. 2021 Degree Pass and Certificate Course 2nd Year Exam Time Table. All concerned are hereby informed that the 2021 degree pass and certificate course 2nd-year examination under the National University will be held from 15/05/2023 as per the following schedule. University authorities reserve the right to change the examination schedule without assigning any reason. Regular and private 2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17, and 2015-16 academic year irregular and grade improvement candidates of the 2019-20 academic year will participate in this exam.
Degree Pass and Certificate Course 2nd Year Exam Routine 2023

1. The principal of the college will download the admit card with the digital signature of the controller from the website of the national university using the college password and distribute the print copy to the candidates in due process and print the signature and supply it to the center.
2. Candidates will appear in the examination according to the subject code mentioned in the admit card.
3. 2 (two) printouts of the candidate’s roll statement from the website ( 1 (one) copy to be preserved in the concerned college 1 (one) copy out of Rs.450/- collected as center fee 300/- should be deposited to the officer-in-charge of the center (the center where the examination of the candidates of the concerned college will be held) 03 days before the examination. The remaining Rs.150/- should be used to meet the examination related expenses of the concerned college.
4. All information and instructions related to the examination are available on the website of the National University It is requested to visit the mentioned website of National University at least 3 times daily (morning, noon, night) during the examination for urgent information related to the examination. Note that no notice will be sent by post.