MCQ Type Selection Test Result of Assistant Electrical Inspector Posts of Chief Electrical Inspector Office under Electricity Department. Elected: 209 people. Results of MCQ type selection test of candidates for the post of Assistant Electricity Inspector in the Office of the Chief Electricity Inspector under the Electricity Department of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. The MCQ-type selection test results of the candidates for the 10th-grade assistant electricity inspector post of the Chief Electricity Inspector Office under the Electricity Department of the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources have been released. MCQ type selection test for online applicants on 20.12.2023 because of recruitment circular No. 46 dated 26.06.2013 for direct recruitment to the post of Grade 10 “Assistant Electricity Inspector” under the Department of Electricity, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. is accepted. Candidates having the registration number mentioned in the said examination have successfully been provisionally selected for the written examination.
BPSC Assistant Electricity Inspector Result 2024