Results of MCQ type selection test for the posts of District Sports Officers and Lecturers of Government Physical Education Colleges of the Department of Sports under the Ministry of Youth and Sports. MCQ type selection test results of candidates for the post of Grade 9 ‘District Sports Officer’ and Grade 9 ‘Lecturer’ of Government Physical Education Colleges of Sports Directorate under the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Given recruitment circulars No. 34 and 32 dated 26.06, 2023 for direct recruitment to the posts of 9th-grade ‘District Sports Officer’ and 9th-grade ‘Lecturer’ of Government Physical Education Colleges of the Department of Sports under the Ministry of Youth and Sports, online applicants were invited on 13.12.2013 and 17.12. The 2023 MCQ type selection test is accepted. Candidates having the registration number mentioned below have successfully qualified for the said examination and have been provisionally selected for the written examination.
BPSC Sports Officer and Physical Education College Lecturer Posts Result 2024

Candidates who qualify in the MCQ type selection test for the post of “District Sports Officer” will have to attend a written test of a total 200 marks including Bengali-50, English-50, General Knowledge (Bangladesh and International Affairs)-40 and Mathematics and Mental Ability-60 marks and “Lecturer” Candidates who qualify the MCQ type selection test for the post will have to participate in the written test of total 200 marks including Bengali-40, English-40, General Knowledge (Bangladesh and International Affairs) 40 and Relevant Technical- 80 marks.
The Commission reserves the right to amend the results published if any correction is required for reasonable reasons. Venue, date, time table and other information related to the written exam will be published later in the national daily newspaper and on the Commission’s website