Benapole Customs Recruitment Exam Date 2023. Benapole Custom House Recruitment Exam Admit Card. In order to complete the 3rd and 4th class employee recruitment test of Custom House, Benapole, Jessore, the written test will be held as per the steps and schedule mentioned in Table 6 against the below-mentioned posts as per the notification of 2016 and 2022.
The center-wise roll number of the written test is available on the website of Custom House, Benapole (www. and will be published on the notice board 2 (two) days prior to the commencement of the written examination. As per the written examination day 2016 notification, the applicants must enter the examination center at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination with the original admit card issued by this office. No photocopy will be accepted in this case.
Admit Card Download:
BCH Admit Card 2023 –

According to the written test date 2022 application, the applicants Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. Enter the exam center at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam with the color-printed copy of the admit card downloaded from its website ( No photocopy will be accepted in this case. According to the notification of 2016, regardless of the examination center, date, and time mentioned in the admit card issued by this office, the examination will be held according to the date and time mentioned in the notification issued on the website and notice board of this office before the date fixed as per the above table. The decision of the appointing authority shall be final in the reservation of partial/total modification/cancellation of the recruitment process and reduction/increase in the number of posts.