46th BCS Preliminary Exam Time Table 2024. Probable Date of Preliminary Test Ceremony, 46th B.C.S. Exam-2023 preliminary test may be held in March 2024. The specific date, time, and instructions of the examinations will be published on the Commission’s website and media in due course. Candidates will have to participate in a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Type Preliminary Test of 200 (two hundred) marks. The duration of the exam is 2 (two) hours. There will be a total of 200 (two hundred) questions in this exam. Candidates will get 1 (one) mark for each correct answer. However, for wrong answers, 0.50 (zero decimal five zero) marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
46th BCS Preliminary Exam Date 2024

46 BCS circular 2023 pdf download