46th B.C.S. Exam-2023 Preliminary Test (MCQ Type) Schedule. 46th B.C.S. Exam-2024 Preliminary Test (MCQ Type) will be held simultaneously in Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur, and Mymensingh centers on 26 April 2024, Friday from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm following proper hygiene rules. Exam hall, seating arrangement, and related important instructions will be published on the Bangladesh Public Service Commission website [www.bpsc.gov.bd] and Teletalk Bangladesh Limited website [http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd]. The Bangladesh Government Works Commission reserves the right to amend any subsequent amendments to the published press release.
46th Admit Card Download Link:
bpsc.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card 2024

General instructions for applicants:
- 01 Applicant must carry this admit card for the Preliminary Test, Written Examination, and Viva Voce.
- 02 Applicant must sit in the examination hall at least 30 minutes before the Preliminary Test and 15 minutes before the Written Examination. On the day of the Preliminary test, it is forbidden to leave the hall before the test ends.
- 03 Applicant is prohibited from bringing books, bags, mobile phones, wristwatches, smartwatches, calculators, or any other type of communicative device.
- 04 Applicant must use the same signature used in the admit card for the attendance sheet and answer script.
- 05 Applicant must use a black ballpoint pen to fill in the OMR form.
- 06 Applicant will be expelled and punished according to the Bangladesh Public Service Commission Act, 2023, and other relevant laws if the general instructions are not followed or if found guilty of misconduct or adopting unfair means.
46th BCS Admit Card Download 2024