The subject-wise syllabus of the Preliminary Test and Written Test is available on the Commission website Candidates can download their preliminary and written exam syllabus from the commission website. Candidates who will apply only in Technical/Professional and both General and Technical/Professional cadres will have to appear in the Bangla 001 code 100 marks exam.
Candidates who are applying for General only and both General and Technical/Professional cadres will have to attend the exam of Bangla 002 Code 200 marks. That is, 001 of 100 marks only for technical/professional cadre, 002 of 200 marks only for general cadre, and both 001 of 100 marks and 002 of 200 marks are required for both general and technical/professional cadres. Candidates who wish to apply for both General and Professional/Technical Cadre Posts will have to take the 900 Marks Exam for General Cadre. Further for the post of Technical Cadre, it is mandatory for the same candidate to appear in a written examination of 3 hours of Bengali 100 marks and 4 hours of 200 marks in a single subject “relevant to the post or service concerned” as mentioned in 24.2(f) above.
Answer Language in Written Examination:
Answers to questions related to Bengali, English, and other languages should be written in the respective language. Answers to questions on other subjects can be written in either Bengali or English. Answers to a topic may not use more than one language except for quotations or unavoidable text. If there are any other instructions in the question paper of a subject, the questions and answers should be written according to those instructions.
46 BCS Written Syllabus 2024 pdf Download