46 BCS Preliminary Test Syllabus 2023 – SYLLABUS FOR BCS PRELIMINARY TEST.pdf . MCQ Answer Sheet of Preliminary Test is a confidential document. It shall not be displayed to any candidate or his representative in any way and the marks of the said test shall not be displayed or given to any candidate or his representative. There will be no opportunity for rechecking or rechecking answer sheets of the Preliminary Test. The subject and Mark Distribution of the Preliminary Test are given below. Preliminary tests and written examinations will be held at Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh centers. However, if the Preliminary Test/Written Examination is not possible at any center of the candidate’s choice, the candidate will have to participate in the Preliminary Test/Written Examination at any other center designated by the Commission.
Note that the oral examination will be held at the head office of the commission, Dhaka. No application for a change of center will be entertained. Appointment of voice recorders for disabled candidates Based on the application of disabled candidates who need voice recorders, qualified trained voice recorders will be appointed by the Bangladesh Public Works Commission. Candidates with disabilities who require an audio recorder must apply to the Controller of Examinations [Cadre] of the Commission to obtain an audio recorder along with the medical certificate, photo, and copy of disability identity card regarding the need for an audio recorder within the time prescribed by the Labor Commission.
46 BCS Preliminary Syllabus 2023

Use of the English version of the question paper in the preliminary test: Candidates who are interested in appearing in the English version of the question paper in the preliminary test should tick (√) in the box of the Question type option in the online form. Examination of English version candidates will be held in separate examination hall/room. If the candidates of the English version participate in the exam of Bengali version, the candidature will be canceled along with the answer sheet of the exam.