45th BCS Preliminary Result 2023. 45th B.C.S. Exam-2022 preliminary test results published. 45th BCS held on 19.05.2023 Exam-2022 among the candidates participating in the Preliminary Test of Bangladesh Civil Service (Test for Age, Qualification and Direct Recruitment) Rules, Rule 7 of 2014 and 45th BCS issued on 30/11/2022. As per the conditions of notification of examination 2022, under the conditions mentioned in paragraph 2 below, the candidates having the following registration number 45th B.C.S. Have provisionally passed the written test.
45th BCS preliminary result 2023 pdf – www.bpsc.gov.bd

45th bcs preliminary result 2023 pdf
2. If a provisionally eligible candidate does not have the prescribed educational qualification, fails to produce the documents/certificates/certificates prescribed by the Commission, resorts to fraud, furnishes any wrong or false information or conceals necessary information, or furnishes any fake certificate or regarding age and educational qualification. If any part of the certificate is tampered with or altered and any substantive error or deficiency is found in the application form, the candidate’s candidature will be canceled as per the notification at any stage before or after the written examination. In some cases the candidate concerned may be booked under criminal law; Even after the appointment of the said candidate in the service, if any such information is revealed and it is proved, apart from his dismissal from the service, any appropriate legal action can be taken against him.
3. The results are available on the commission website www.bpsc.gov.bd and the teletalk website http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. Apart from that, the result of the 45th BCS Preliminary Test can be known by SMS from any mobile through Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd in the following manner:
8. Format: PSC Space 45 Space Registration Number should be written and sent to 16222. The result will be available as Qualified or Not Qualified along with the Registration Number in the return message.
- Example: PSC 45 123456 send to 16222
- 45th B.C.S. Its written exam may be held next October 2023. The specific date and schedule will be announced later on the Commission’s website and through a press release.