12/05/ Last 12/05/ for recruitment of 10th grade to 20th grade (formerly 3rd and 4th grade) manpower for the post of Office Assistant-cum-Computer Typist (Post Code: 317) against the vacancy in Revenue Sector for Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education and Offices/Educational Institutions under the Directorate. 2023 practical and oral examination of the candidates who have passed the written examination will be held as per the below-mentioned date and schedule (in order of roll number) at “Vigyan Unya Bhawan, Govt Teachers Training College, New Market, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1205”.
DSHE Office Assistant cum-Computer Typist results 2023

DSHE Office Assistant cum-Computer Typist results 2023 pdf
2. At the time of the oral examination every candidate should bring the following documents:
(a) Original copy of online filled application form with roll number (Applicant’s Copy), original admit card of written examination;
(b) 02 (two) copies of passport-size color photographs (attested by a gazetted officer of first class);
(c) Birth Registration Certificate and NID Card, original certificates/testimonials of all educational qualifications (where applicable);
(d) Original copy of citizenship certificate issued by Ward Commissioner of City Corporation/Municipal Mayor/Union Parishad Chairman;
(e) Character certificate obtained from a gazetted officer of the first class or from the head of the latest educational institution;
(f) Original copies of all certificates (if applicable) relating to freedom fighters and other quotas;
(g) Original copy of the certificate issued by Ward Commissioner of City Corporation/Municipal Mayor/Union Parishad Chairman in this regard in case of the child of a female freedom fighter.
(h) If the applicant is the son-daughter of the son-daughter of a freedom fighter/martyr, the original copy of the certificate issued by the Ward Commissioner/Municipal Mayor/Union Parishad Chairman of the concerned City Corporation to that effect;
(j) permission letter from the appropriate authority in case of job candidate;
(j) Original copies of other necessary/relevant certificates and documents.
01 (one) set of copies of all certificates/documents (Attested by Gazetted Officer First Class) to be submitted before the Oral Examination. No affidavit regarding age will be accepted. No TA/DA will be provided for an oral examination.
3. This notification has been issued with the approval of the appropriate authorities.