45th BCS Exam Written Exam Schedule 2024. 45th BCS Exam-2024 Written Exam [Compulsory and Post-Relevant Subjects] Schedule Released. 45th B.C.S. Exam-2024 Schedule of Written Examination [Compulsory and Post-Relevant Subjects]. Center: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh Exam Schedule. 45th B.C.S. The written test will be conducted on double lithocode and barcoded answer sheets so a lithocoded OMR form will be attached to the first page of the conventional answer sheets. The first section to be filled by the candidate on the OMR form should be filled by the candidate with a black ink ballpoint pen as per the following instructions.
Candidates will be given one original answer sheet in OMR form for each subject. In the attached OMR form the candidate shall write his/her name in the first space allotted to the candidate, in the subject code box the three-digit code number mentioned next to the compulsory/post-related subject in the first part of this examination schedule, and in the blank space above the ‘Subject Code’ box in the OMR form the candidate shall enter the corresponding 3 circle ball points below Fill in with pen. E.g.: ‘English (Compulsory) subject code ‘003” In that case, write ‘003’ in the subject code box and fill in the corresponding 3 circles of the following code; Candidates Registration Number consists of 8 (eight) digits.
In the registration number box, write the registration number printed on the candidate’s admit card carefully in the upper box with a ballpoint pen and fill in the corresponding circles below; Candidate shall enter his/her name as mentioned in the candidate’s application form and admit card in the name box and sign the same as in the admit card in the signature box and write the name of the relevant subject in the subject box; The circle applicable to the candidate in the examination center cell shall be filled by him with ballpoint pen: The serial number cell of the supplementary answer sheet shall be filled with the applicable number. One circle should be filled for each additional answer sheet; It is especially noted that if there is any kind of tampering in the first part of the OMR form attached to the first page of the answer sheet, the center, subject code, additional answer sheet and number box and writing anything in the OMR part, making any mark or mark or applying fluid, the said answer sheet will be canceled; Candidates should not write their name, registration number etc. in any way in the original and supplementary answer sheets. Writing or giving any marks will invalidate the answer sheet.
45th BCS Written Exam Date and Seat Plan 2024