Regarding the number division according to the content and content of the ongoing recruitment examination question paper of The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. In The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Limited (SPCBL) Grade 16 ‘Driver (Male)’ and ‘Fork Lift Operator (Male)’ and Grade 20 ‘Panchak (Male)’, ‘Servant (Male)’ and ‘ The recruitment test procedure and subject wise distribution of marks for the post of Security Guard (Male) for ongoing recruitment (Notification No-02/2023, Dated-11/01/2023) is published below for the information of the candidates. Candidates who have downloaded the admit card for recruitment to all the mentioned posts will have to participate in the written test of 100 marks for 01 hours. Marks will be divided according to the content and content of the written examination question paper as follows.
It may be noted that the candidates who have passed the written examination for the posts of ‘Car Driver (Male)’ and ‘Fork Lift Operator (Male)’ in Grade 16 will have to participate in the practical test of 50 marks and the candidates who have downloaded the admit card for the post of ‘Driver (Male)’ in Grade 20 In addition to the written test, the practical test of 50 marks must be attended. Besides, in the written examination conducted for all the mentioned posts, each question of the MCQ method will be worth 1 mark and no marks will be deducted for wrong answers to questions of the MCQ method.
SPCBL Exam Syllabus and Mark Distribution 2024

The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. Publication of subject-wise manpower distribution for various posts. Regarding the Syllabus of the ongoing recruitment examination for various posts of The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Limited (SPCBL) is running on the posts of ‘Checker’, ‘Assistant’, ‘Vault Assistant (Male)’, ‘Production Checker/Internal Checker (Male)’, and ‘Security Assistant (Male)’ in Grade 16. Recruitment (Notification No-02/2023, Date-11/01/2023) recruitment examination procedure and examination syllabus as well as subject-wise distribution of marks are published below for the information of the candidates.
Among the candidates who have already downloaded the admit card from the recruitment website of Bangladesh Bank for the purpose of recruitment in the above posts, all the candidates have to participate in the MCQ Test of 100 marks for 1 hour. A certain number of candidates who have cleared the MCQ Test will have to participate in the written test of 100 marks of 1-hour duration. Marks will be divided according to Content and Content of the MCQ Test and written test question paper as follows.