Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Public School and College Recruitment Circular 2024. Sheikh Hasina Cantonment Public School and College, Barisal invites online applications from 15 January 2024 for the following vacant posts of Assistant Teacher, Demonstrator, and Staff. Barisal Sekh Hasina Cantonment Public School and College recruitment notice for various posts.
shcpsc Job Circular 2024

Application Rules:
1. Interested candidates must apply online by logging on to the institution’s website ( and collect the admit card online. 700/- for Serial No. 1 and 2 and 400/- for Serial No. 3 should be applied online by 07/02/2024.
2. Written Examination: The examination for the post of Assistant Teacher and Office Assistant cum Computer Operator will be held on 10/02/2024 at 0900-1100 hrs and for the post of Demonstrator on the same day (10/02/2024) at 1200-1400 hrs in the institution. The written examination result will be published on the institution’s website and Facebook page in due course.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the examination. The authority reserves the right to reject any application, change, modify, or cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason.