The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. notification regarding the center list and schedule of the written examination for the recruitment of 42 vacant posts of the following 05 categories under the 16th grade. The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. published for recruitment to 17 category posts of 9th-20th grade as per circular no-02/2023, dated-11/01/2023 written test for 05 category posts described below in paragraph no.2-7 Subject to the following centers and schedule will be held. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center without an admit card. Candidates have to enter the examination room by correctly matching the complete roll number of 06 (six) digits.
Security Printing Corporation Exam Date and Seat Plan 2024

The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. Notification regarding seat arrangement of MCQ Test for recruitment to the post of 16th Grade ‘Examiner’. The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Limited (SPCBL) published circular No. 02/2023 for recruitment to 9th-20th grade 17 category posts, dated 11/01/2023 Circular No. -65/2023, Dated-07/11/2023 MCQ Test for the post of ‘Examiner’ will be held on 24/11/2023, Friday from 10.00 am to 11.00 am at the following centers under the conditions mentioned in paragraph no. 2-8.

Security Printing Corporation Seat Plan 2023
The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. notification regarding the seat arrangement of the written examination to be held for the purpose of recruitment to the posts of 05 categories under 9th and 10th grade. Circular No.-02/2023, dated 11/01/2023, published for the purpose of recruitment of 9th-20th grade 17 category posts of The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. Circular no. -33/2023, date-02/08/2023 written examination for the following 05 category posts will be held at the below-mentioned center.
Admit Card Link:
Security Printing Corporation Exam Date and Seat Plan 2023