All concerned are informed that all the activities related to filling out the application form for the MA/ MSS/ MBA/ MSC/ M Muse Preliminary to Masters examination 2020 under National University will be completed online. The rules along with the date of filling and submission of the examination application form, and statement form are given below. The detailed schedule of the examination and all other information will be informed later on the website of the university.
There will be no opportunity to fill the form after the prescribed time through penalty. 150/- (one hundred and fifty) rupees per candidate of the total amount collected as a center fee for examination-related expenses of their college at the rate of 300/- (three hundred) rupees per candidate to the officer in charge of the examination center along with the roll/registration statement 03 (three) days of the examination. Must be submitted in advance. No marks will be accepted other than the original manual copy entered online. Instructions for sending Oral/Practical/Fieldwork Marks will be notified later. Exam results will not be published if you appear in any postcode other than the postcode mentioned in the Reg Card and Admit Card. Even after the exam, the letter code in the reg card and admit card cannot be modified in any way.
Preliminary to Masters Form Fill Up 2023

conditions to participate in the examination:
a) Regular and private candidates of the academic year 2019-2020 can participate as regular candidates.
b) Candidates of the academic year 2018-2019 who did not participate in the 2019 examination will be able to participate in the examination of all papers/courses as irregular examinees of 2020.
c) Candidates of the academic year 2018-2019 who have failed one or more papers with an “F” grade in the 2019 examination will be eligible to appear as irregular candidates in the 2020 examination.
d) Candidates participating in the 2019 examination in all subjects who have obtained grades of ‘C’ and ‘D’ may participate in a maximum of 02 (two) papers for grade improvement. If all these candidates pass the 2020 examination, there will be no more opportunities to participate in the quality improvement/grade improvement examination.
e) Candidates who have attended CGPA below 2.50 in all subjects in the 2019 examination and who have obtained ‘C’ and ‘D’ grades in all papers/courses with a maximum of 02 (two) grades in all papers/courses. And can participate in CGPA development.
Preliminary to Masters Syllabus:
The exam will be conducted according to the syllabus of the grading system of the National University 2017-2018 academic year. 2020 MA/MSS/M. B.A/M.Sc/M Muse Preliminary to Masters Examination will be held.
Collection of application form, statement form, and fee deposit form:
The application form, Probable List, subject-wise candidate details form, and fee submission form can be collected/printed from the website of the National University.
Rules for Filling Application Form (For Candidates):
a) The applicant has to enter the said website of the university on his responsibility and apply by filling out the form with his registration number and according to the instructions of the website. After completing the application form filling process, an application form should be printed online. The filled form will mention the candidate’s subject code and fee. The applicant should submit the printed copy along with the fee to the desk designated by the college.
b) Applicant should attach 02 (two) recent passport-size photographs (attested) with the application form.
c) The candidate should enter the letter code carefully at his own risk. In the case of courses that have the provision of course selection from multiple courses, the course selection must be done properly. The course cannot be changed after filling out the form.
Application Form Verification Rules (For Colleges):
a) Candidates’ data has been entered directly online on the university website by verifying with the probable list (Probable List) and verifying the submitted applications by entering College Login on the said website of the university and then the head of the department will sign it. For log-in, User ID & Password can be collected from College Profile or related branches on the website.
b) 01 (one) copy of 02 (two) copies of the passport-size photograph (attested) of each candidate should be affixed in the prescribed space of the online printed application form by Aika Atha and the other 01 (one) copy of the photograph should be kept in the respective section. will do After providing the admit card from the university, the admit card should be distributed after affixing the photo with glue at the specified place and attesting it by the principal.
c) If the candidate submits the online application form to the college, the term paper (if applicable) number of the candidate will be confirmed online. Only the admit card will be issued by the college to the candidates confirmed online. Candidates have to print their details online after verification.
d) The website of the University for Preliminary to Masters will be launched on time and will automatically stop functioning after the scheduled time mentioned in the notification for data entry.
e) In case of any mistake in the online entry of Verbal, Practical, Fieldwork, and Math Lab examination marks, it should be immediately reported in writing to the Deputy Controller of Examinations, Preliminary to Masters Branch. The original manual number (signed by the Head of the Department, Internal and External Examiner) will be taken as the basis for the correction of errors.
Procedures for Data Entry (For Colleges):
A) Probable list should be printed from the website of the university.
b) Data entry should be done directly online on the university website as per the form filled subject-wise regular/private/examination candidate details form/application form. College authorities will collect the User ID and Password by logging in to the college profile on the website for online data entry.
c) The instructions published on the website should be followed for data entry work and technical support can be contacted at the mentioned e-mail address.
d) Once the data entry is completed, the details of the candidates entered online and the fee details should be printed. After entering the subject-wise data, the college authority should verify the print copy of the statement form and take the candidate’s signature at the specified place on the print copy.
e) University website for Preliminary to Masters will be launched on time and after the fixed time mentioned in the notice for data entry, the online activities will be closed automatically so the college should complete the data entry on time.
Rules for submission of statement form:
a) After correctly entering the data in the application form and taking a printout and signing it by the concerned candidate, head of the department, and principal, the original copy should be kept on the top sheet of the working teacher (including mobile number) by binding the copy of the list with subject-wise storage, clearly writing the name of the college and the name of the subject. and should not be submitted to the concerned branch of the University / Self Regional Center and its photocopy should be preserved in the College. Also, the bound statement form along with the list of subject-wise working teachers need not be submitted to the respective regional centers as well. However, save the respective colleges/departments (up to 04 months after the declaration of results).
Fee Deposit Rules:
a) Fees for regular students of the academic year 2019-2020 and all candidates of private preliminary to masters examination 2020 to download the prescribed deposit form from the university website and submit it to any branch of Sonali Bank through “Sonali Seva”. will be
b) The concerned college should collect the Sonali service pay slip from or http: / PMS website and submit it to any branch of the nearest Sonali Bank and collect the receipt.
c) Link will remain active till the mentioned date for the collection of the Pay Slip. Pay Slips can be downloaded before or after the scheduled time and no money can be deposited. The authority will not be responsible for the complications arising later if the money is deposited in any other form common to the bank.
d) E-mail No. or Phone No.: 02-196691546 can be contacted for resolution of complications regarding fee deposit.
e) Preliminary e-mail can be contacted for solving the nature or type of problem.
Special Note:
a) If another candidate is allowed to participate in the examination illegally by using the result of the registration number (honors pass / degree pass) of a candidate, the responsibility of the concerned college will be borne by him.
b) Candidates must produce the original registration card and original admit card provided by the university at the time of examination.
c) If the candidate fills the application form in any subject other than the specific subject mentioned in the registration card, his/her application will be considered canceled.
d) Dissemination of examination schedule to concerned colleges/centers and universities in due time