Payra Port Authority final result of 14 posts of 12 categories published. Payra Port Authority 12 Category 14 Posts 24 November 2023. Written Examination held on 23rd December 2023 (where applicable) and 21st, 23rd & 26th December 2023 On the basis of the results of the oral examination held on the date, the following candidates were preliminarily selected for the appointment on the recommendation of the departmental selection committee.
Payra Port Authority Recruitment Exam Final Result 2023

Preliminarily selected candidates download “Police Attestation Form” from Payra Port Authority website ( and take 02 (two) sets of 02 (two) page print on both pages. The said 02 (two) sets of “Police Attestation Statement Form” duly filled in with each set of oral examination. Admit card, 02 (two) copies of passport size photograph, all necessary certificates of age and educational qualification, freedom fighter certificate (if any), nationality certificate, national identity card etc. enclosed in an envelope within next 10 (ten) working days to the Deputy Director (Administration), Payra will send along Port Authority, Kalapara, Patuakhali. The post name and roll number must be mentioned on the envelope. Moreover, the said 02 (two) sets of “Police Attestation Form” can be collected from the Administration Section (2nd Floor of Administrative Building).
In case of deficiency of required documents, in case of lack of qualification of the candidate, or in case of corruption/providing of false information/submission of any fake certificate/unfair use/fraud, or in case of any serious (Substantive) deficiency/error in any condition mentioned in the respective recruitment circular, or given If the information is proved to be false, the appointment of the said candidate will be considered to be canceled at any stage.
Appointment letter will be issued to preliminarily selected candidates if there are no adverse comments in the police report. Selected candidates can join the service subject to satisfactory health examination report from the office of Civil Surgeon.