Police Headquarters Practical Exam Time Table 2023. Date and Schedule of Practical Examination for Recruitment to the Vacancy of Grade 3 Clerk of Police Headquarters. Regarding the “Practical Test” of those who have passed the written examination for the purpose of recruitment to the vacant post of 3rd Class Clerical Officer at Police Headquarters. It is for the information of all concerned that,
Police Headquarters, Dhaka 2023 for the appointment of Numerical-cum-Computer Operator and Office Assistant-cum-Computer Numerical post ‘Practical Test’ of the candidates who have passed the written test on the date and time specified below as per the prescribed date and time for the post of Numerical-cum-Computer Operator (1) Word Processing / Data Entry / Typing (2) Word Processing / Data Entry / Typing has been instructed to participate in transcription writing and office assistant-cum-computer typist posts. Detailed schedule of practical exam is given below.
Police Headquarters Practical Exam Schedule 2023
Required Instructions:
1. Admit card for the written examination must be presented at the time of entry to the examination center;
2. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center after the commencement of the examination;
3. No mobile phone, bag, umbrella, camera, calculator, or any other electronic device shall be taken into the examination center;
4. If any candidate misbehaves in the examination center, necessary legal action will be taken including immediate expulsion; And
5. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate.