Publication of written test schedule for direct recruitment of postmaster general, 3rd class postal operator licensed under postmaster general, Uttaranchal, Rajshahi. For the information of all concerned in the above matter, it is hereby informed that the written examination for the purpose of direct recruitment of postmaster general, postmaster general, and 3rd class postal operator licensed under the jurisdiction of Rajshahi will be held on 20th May 2023.
Postmaster General Office Uttaranchal Rajshahi’s recruitment exam schedule for various posts has been published. As per the schedule, the exam will be held on 20th May 2023. The exam will start in the morning and will end at The full marks of the exam will be 70 and the duration will be 1 hour. Admit card download message has already been received by valid candidates. Those who did not get it recovered the user ID and password from their own website.
Admit Card Download:
PMGNC Admit Card 2023 –

Applicants for the post can download the admit card using their own user ID and password by entering the following link. Downloaded admit cards will be applicable for both written and oral exams. In such a situation, the applicants for the said post are requested to download and print the admit card and participate in the written examination on time by following the instructions mentioned in the admit card.