Lakshmipur Rural Electricity Association Recruitment Circular 2023. Lakshmipur Palli Vidyut Samiti permanent resident of Lakshmipur district for creating manpower recruitment panel for the following vacancies of meter reader cum messenger (01-year contract basis)! Applications are invited online through the website from genuine citizens of all other districts of Bangladesh, except the candidates residing permanently in the geographical area of Lakshmipur Parish and Gobindpur Union of Mehendiganj Upazila of Barisal District, subject to the qualifications mentioned next to the post.
Candidates who are interested in participating in the exam will fill out the application form on this website Starting date for online application form filling and examination fee submission: 25th May 2023, 10:00 am. Last date for filling out the application form online: is 15th June 2023, 05.00 PM. Candidates who have received the User IDs within the said period can submit the examination fee through SMS within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time of submission of the application form online. The application form cannot be filled out after the prescribed date and time.
Apply Link: Apply | pbslkp Job Circular 2023

Candidates’ age limit should be between 18 to 25 years as of 25-5-2023. Those under 18 need not apply. The application will not be accepted if the candidate is underage. SSC/equivalent certificate will be considered as proof of age. No affidavit regarding age will be admissible. The line workers engaged in the association on a work-no-wage basis will get the opportunity to apply for the post of meter reader cum messenger (01-year contractual basis) as a departmental candidate through the concerned office head. Age relaxable up to 40 years for line workers (no work no wages) subject to other qualifications on application. Candidates working in Govt/Semi-Govt/Autonomous Organizations and Departmental candidates should apply with the permission of the appropriate authority and fill the prescribed spaces in this regard. Departmental clearance must be submitted at the time of oral examination.
At the time of oral examination, the applicant’s copy of the application form filled online and the original copy along with the photocopies of the following documents attested (by a gazetted officer of the 1st class) must be shown to prove the information mentioned in the application along with the admit card.
- (a) 03 (three) copies of passport-size attested color photographs taken recently!
- (b) Certificate of Educational Qualification (Experience Certificate if applicable)
- (c) Citizenship certificate issued by the Chairman of the Union Parishad/Municipal Mayor/Ward Councilor of the City Corporation in which the candidate is a resident of the Union/Municipality/City Corporation/Ward;
- (d) Character certificate issued by a gazetted officer of the first class.
- (e) National Identity Card/Birth Registration Certificate.
- (f) Departmental Clearance / NOC to candidates working in Govt/Semi Govt/Autonomous Organisations.
- (g) Joining letter of line workers working in the association.
The date and schedule of the written and oral examination will be provided later through the notice board and website of Lakshmipur Palli Vidyut Samity and admit card on teletalk link and application of candidates. It will be informed through the mobile number mentioned in the form.
After completing the online application form by properly filling the application form and uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer. If any information is wrong in the applicant’s copy or the image is unclear (completely black/completely white/blurry or the image/signature is not correct, then the application fee can only be re-applied through the web. Note that the application fee is No further change/amendment/enhancement will be accepted after that, before submitting the application fee, the candidate must download and print his recent color photograph, accurate information, and signed PDF copy on the applicant’s copy.
A User ID number will be provided on the Applicant’s copy and using the User ID number the candidate can send 02 (two) SMS through any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number in the following manner for exam fee refundable Tk 100/- (one hundred) and Teletalk service charge Tk 12 Deposit a total of 112 takas including /-(twelve taka) within 72 (seventy-two) hours. It is especially noted here that even if all parts of the application form are submitted online, the online application form will not be accepted in any case until the examination fee is submitted.