Nuclear Power Plant Company Recruitment Exam Question Solution 2023. Post Name: Junior Executive Trainee (Electronics). Full score: 100; Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. MCQ Test (Subject Based-30 General Knowledge and Language Related-10) Total 40 Written Test (Subject wise 50 General Knowledge and Language related-10) Total 60 Exam Duration 1 Hour 30 Minutes Total Marks: 100 The exam is divided into two parts Multiple Choice (MCQ) Part and Written Part. After completing the Multiple Choice (MCQ) section, answer the written section.
Use the OMR provided with the question paper to answer the MCQ section. There are four answers for each question in the MCQ section, out of which fill in the prescribed circle of OMR for the correct answer. Filling more than one circle will invalidate the answer to that question. Use a black ink ballpoint pen to fill the circle. Use the answer sheet provided to answer the written part. To answer any question, use the space specified for that question in the notebook. Certain areas can be used if roughing is required. Any writing of name, phone number, or anything identifying in the answer sheet will be considered invalid.
Nuclear Power Plant Company Question Solution 2023