Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology NESCO PLC published the seat pattern of the selective written exam for various vacant posts. Check the list of selective written test centers for various vacancies of Nesco plc in the image below.
nesco Exam Seat Plan 2024
NORTHERN ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY PLC (NESCO) RELEASED THE SCHEDULE OF RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION FOR VARIOUS POSTS. It is for the information of all concerned to take the written test for the appointment of various vacant posts in Northern Electricity Supply Company PLC under the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources, Northern Electricity Supply Company PLC under the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources has issued recruitment notice and re-employment notice per the memorandum for the appointment of various vacant posts. In this case, the written test for some posts of the above recruitment circular will be held as per the below-mentioned schedule.
nesco Exam Seat Plan 2024