Applications are invited in the prescribed form from permanent citizens of Bangladesh and permanent residents of Narayanganj district to fill the below-mentioned vacancies in the office of District Commissioner, Narayanganj, and the offices of Upazila Nirbahi Officer under it on a temporary basis.
Narayanganj DC Website:
narayanganj dc Apply 2023 – narayanganj dc office job circular 2023

Narayanganj District Commissioner’s office appointment conditions:
1. Candidate age must be between 18 to 30 years as of 01/03/2023. The upper age limit is 32 (thirty-two) years in case of freedom fighter/martyr freedom fighter’s son/daughter and physically challenged. An affidavit will not be admissible for determining age. Ministry of Public Administration Rule-1 Branch of 26 September 2022. As per the instructions of the memorandum dated 05.00.0000.170.15.01920-149, the age of the candidate is 25/03/2020. Candidates can also apply if they are within the upper age limit on the date.
2. All information related to this notification, application form, and recruitment test will be collected/published from the website of the District Commissioner’s Office, Narayanganj.
3. Application form to the Deputy Commissioner, Narayanganj next 05/04/2023 AD. should reach by registered post during office hours within the date. No application will be accepted directly at this office. The probable Date of the Recruitment Test is 15/04/2023 AD Time 10:00 AM. If the date and time change for any reason, it will be notified through the website.
4. The following documents should be attached to the application form:-
- (a) Photocopies of all educational qualifications and other certificates and 03 (three) copies of recent color photographs of the candidate (must be attested by a gazetted officer of the first class and bear the legible name, designation, and seal of the attestator).
- (b) Attested copy of citizenship certificate issued by the Mayor of Narayanan City Corporation / Councilor of the concerned Ward of the City Corporation / Mayor of the concerned Municipality / Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad.
- (c) Attested photocopy of National Identity Card or Birth Registration Certificate
- (d) In the case of married female candidates, the husband’s permanent address should be mentioned.
- (e) Original copy of character certificate issued by first class gazetted officer
- (f) Attested copy of provisional certificate signed by Hon’ble Minister/Minister of State/Advisor of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs and countersigned by the Advisor of Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Parliament to the son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/applicant job candidate of freedom fighter/martyr freedom fighter. No other certificate other than such certificate shall be accepted as a freedom fighter certificate. Note that the applicant is a freedom fighter/martyr If the applicant is the son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter of a freedom fighter, the applicant must submit a certificate issued by the concerned City Corporation/Municipality Mayor/Union Parishad Chairman to the effect that the applicant is the son/daughter of a freedom fighter/martyr.
- (g) The candidate should enclose a bank draft/pay order (irrevocable) of Tk 100/- (one hundred) towards the examination fee from any branch of Sonali Bank in favor of the Deputy Commissioner, Narayanganj along with the application form.
- (h) Postage stamp of Rs.10/- (Ten) affixed 10.5 inches x 4.00 with the name of the post in bold letters, special quota (if any), and full name and address of the applicant on the left-hand side for the issue of admit card at the correct address. A 5-inch size envelope should be enclosed.
- (i) In the case of physically challenged orphans, an attested copy of the certificate issued by the Deputy Director of the concerned District Social Service Office should be submitted.
(j) Candidate should be in good health.
5. Candidates will have to attend the selective/written and oral test at the place and date as directed by the authority.
6. Incomplete, defective, unsigned, and late applications will be considered rejected. Canceled applications will be notified through the website. No objection will be entertained in this regard.
7. Job aspirants must apply through proper authority within the stipulated time. In this case, no advance copy of the application will be accepted.
8. Applicant’s name, address, post name, and quota name (if any) should be written on the envelope in legible letters.
9. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the selection test.
10. Candidates must produce original copies of all certificates at the time of the oral examination.
11. All government regulations and the latest government policies regarding quotas will be followed in recruitment.
12. If the applicant hides any information or is appointed to the job by providing wrong information, the appointment order of the concerned candidate will be canceled and strict legal action will be taken against him.
13. The Authority reserves the right to add/subtract/modify/enhance any conditions and reduce/increase the number of posts and cancel the recruitment circular in whole or in part without assigning any reason. The decision of the authority in the matter of appointment shall be final. No objection will be accepted in this case.