The Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry has released the examination schedule for various posts. According to the published timetable, it appears that the exam will be held on 26th May 2023. It appears from the published admit that the exam will be held in different centers of Dhaka city. The valid candidates have already received the message to download the environment letter and the environment letter is being downloaded. Wait for those who have not received or received messages. Or recover your user ID or password and download the admit card. The test can be held in written or MCQ form. We will appear before you tomorrow on behalf of Campus Time BD with the previous year’s questions.
Admit Card Download:
MOCAT Admit Card 2023 –

Important Notes for Candidates:
1. This Admit Card (Colour) must be carried out for written and oral tests. Issuance of separate admit cards for oral examination will not;
2. Candidates must take their seat 30 minutes before the commencement of the written test and cannot leave the room till the end of the test. No candidate will be allowed to enter the center after the commencement of the examination. The candidate must sit in his assigned seat;
3. Candidates must participate in the examination following the hygiene rules prescribed by the government;
4. The writing should be completed within the answer sheet/book provided. No additional notebook or paper will be supplied and the used question paper must be submitted with the notebook;
5. Mobile phones, watches, electronic devices, books, calculators, bags, etc. cannot be brought into the examination room. Legal action will be taken against the candidate, including cancellation of the answer sheet, if any kind of misbehavior or misbehavior is adopted during the examination:
6. The photograph and signature of the attendance list must match the photograph and signature of the candidate in the application form;
7. At the time of oral examination original certificates of all educational qualifications, original copy of national identity card, original copy of character certificate issued by 1st class gazetted officer, original copy of certificate/certificate of Union Parishad/Municipality/City Corporation as proof of own district and quota candidates as per Govt latest policy 1 set of photocopies of all certificates/certificates must be submitted showing the original copies of certificates/certificates issued by the competent authority;
8. Candidates who have passed the written test will be informed about the venue, date, and time of the oral test through SMS on the mobile phone of the candidates which will be published on the website;
9. No TA/DA will be provided for written/oral examination;
10. Test-related information and results will be published on the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism website ( and Bangladesh Secretariat Gate notice board; And
11. The authority reserves the right to take/change any decision regarding recruitment.