The Ministry of Cultural Affairs (moca) has published the recruitment examination schedule for various posts. The written examination will be held on 23 February 2024 for recruitment of manpower for the vacant posts of 11th-20th grade (formerly 3rd and 4th grade) of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Regarding the written examination for recruitment of manpower for various vacant posts of 11th-20th grade (formerly 3rd and 4th grade) of the Ministry of Culture. Given the above, it is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that the written examination of the candidates for the said posts will be held on the date and time specified below to recruit manpower for the vacant posts of 11th-20th grade (formerly 3rd and 4th grade) of the Ministry of Culture at the venue/center. SMS has already been sent by Teletalk Bangladesh Limited to collect the exam schedule and admit card to the mobile numbers of the applicants for taking the written test for the said posts.
moca Admit Card 2024