2237 Posts Local Government Engineering Directorate Exam Timetable Released. All concerned are hereby informed that 88 revenue structure surveyors, 84 electricians, and 1 muezzin under the Directorate of Local Government Engineering are available for a total of 173 vacant posts on 05-05-2023 AD. And Office Assistant 171, Office Assistant-cum-Computer Numerical 257 total of 428 vacancies next 12-05-2023 AD. Dates will be held on Fridays. The place and time of the written examination will be informed in due time on the website of the Directorate of Local Government Engineering (www.lged.gov.bd) and through SMS on the mobile number mentioned in the application by Teletalk.
Examination of all posts on 05-05-2023
- Surveyor- 88
- Electrician-84
- Muazzin-01
Examination for all the posts on 12-05-2023
- Office Assistant-171 and
- Office Assistant Cum-Computer Numerical-257
Admit Card Download Link: http://lged.teletalk.com.bd

LGED Admit Card 2023

LGED Admit Card 2023 – lged.teletalk.com.bd admit card download