Bangladesh Supreme Court High Court Division Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typing Exam Schedule Released. The preliminary selection (typing) test of applicants for the post of ‘Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist’ in Bangladesh Supreme Court, High Court Division will be held from 13/04/2023 to 17/04/2023. It will be held at Bangladesh Supreme Court Auditorium (2nd Floor) as per the below schedule. Admit Card of Preliminary Selection (Typing) Test has already been sent to the mentioned address of the applicants.
High Court Division Office Assistant Cum-Computer Typing Exam Schedule 2023 –

Instructions regarding the preliminary selection (typing) test:
01. No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without admit card.
02. The Admit Card will be treated as Admit Card of Preliminary Selection/Written/Final Typing (Aptitude)/Oral Test.
03. Candidates have to report at the reception room of the Supreme Court Auditorium 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
04. Candidates for the post of ‘Office Assistant cum Computer Typist’ will have to appear in Bengali and English (typing) tests.
05. All types of results will be published on the Supreme Court website ( and notice board.
06. Carrying bags, books, calculators, electronic/watches, mobile phones, and any other type of device used for data exchange is strictly prohibited in the examination center. If the instructions of this clause are violated, the concerned candidate will be barred from participating in the examination.
07. Candidates concerned will not be allowed to participate in the examination if the photo on the admit card does not match with the photo on the attendance list.
08. Exam schedule may be canceled or changed depending on the situation. In that case, the modified schedule or instructions will be published on the website of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.