Directorate of Fisheries Recruitment Exam Date and Schedule 2023. Recruitment Exam Date and Schedule of Directorate of Fisheries under Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. Written Exam Date and Time Table for Instructor (Computer Science) 9th Grade Posts of Directorate of Fisheries under Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. Date and Time Table of Written Exam for Candidates of “Instructor (Computer Science)” 9th Grade Posts of Directorate of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.
200 Marks (Bengali-40, English-40, General Knowledge-40 and Relevant Technical Subjects-80) written test of 4 hours for candidates for direct recruitment to the vacant post of “Instructor (Computer Science) 9th Grade” in Directorate of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. It will be held at the said center as per the date, time, and seat arrangement mentioned below.
Admit Card:
Fisheries Department Exam Date and Admit Card 2023

Applications are accepted online for the post of “Instructor (Computer Science)” in 9th grade. Candidates applying online will participate in the written test with their own admit card. If the admit card is lost/damaged, download and collect the admit card from the Commission’s or Teletalk Bangladesh Limited ( website. No candidate can participate in the written test without admit card.