Export Development Bureau Directly Employable Scribe-cum-Computer Operator, Computer Operator, Numerical-cum-Computer Operator, Low-Grade Assistant-cum-Computer Numerical and Computator for recruitment to the practical test held on 02-04-2023 and last 03 Roll numbers of the candidates who passed the practical examination held on 04-2023 are as follows.
Written Exams and Taught Clerk Cum Computer for the posts of Executive Assistant, Investigator, Assistant Editor, Photographer, UDA cum Accountant, Accounts Assistant (UDA), Receptionist, Telephone Operator, Office Assistant (MLSS), and Office Assistant cum Security Guard (MLSS cum Guard) The oral examination of the candidates who have passed the written and practical examination for the posts of Operator, Computer Operator, Direct Numerical cum Computer Operator, Low-Grade Assistant cum Computer Numerical, Computer, and Driver will be held as per the schedule below.
Read More:
EPB Viva Schedule 2023 – epb.gov.bd

3. National identity card, written test admit card, and original certificates of all educational qualifications and mark sheets must be brought to appear in the oral examination. Besides, 1 (one) set of attested photocopies of all documents must be submitted on the day of the oral examination. Note that no separate admit card will be issued for participation in the oral examination.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the oral examination.