Bangladesh Election Commission Oral Exam Revised Schedule. Bangladesh Election Commission Oral Test Practical and Oral Test Program for recruitment of employees. It is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that, based on the results of the written examination held on 19th and 20th May 2023, the candidates selected in the recruitment circular published in memorandum number 17,00.0000. dated 27 July 2020, practical/ The oral examination will be held as per the schedule given below.
ECS Viva Schedule 2023

a) Computer Operator, Senior Assistant, Accounts Assistant, Store Keeper, and Office Assistant-cum-Computer Typing Posts Practical as well as Speed Test in Computer Typing will be held in Nicks font;
b) Practical as well as speed tests in Typist and Computer Typist for the posts of Typist-cum-Computer Operator and Typist-cum-Computer Operator will be held in Nix font;
c) Practical test for the post of driver i.e. zigzag test to verify driving skills and experience;
2. Candidates must carry the admit card of the written examination during the practical (where applicable) and oral examinations. written
3. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without an examination admit card;
4. Candidates must bring the original copy of their National Identity Card at the time of the practical (where applicable) examination;
5. Candidates must arrive at the examination venue at least 30 minutes before the scheduled examination time; At the time of the oral examination all educational qualification certificates, national identity cards, and certificates issued by Union Parishad/Municipality/City Corporation as proof of own district, training certificate (if any), a certificate issued by the competent authority in case of quota candidates and applicant freedom fighter/martyr’s son/daughter In case of son-daughter, the original copy of the certificate issued by the concerned Union Parishad Chairman/City Corporation Ward Councillor/Municipal Mayor/Councillor should be shown. Also 01 (one) set of attested photocopies of the above-mentioned documents should be submitted along with the online filled Application Form;
6. Exam information and results are available on Election Commission Secretariat website (