Recruitment notification for various posts under the Department of Social Services (DSS). Child Sensitive Social Protection in Bangladesh (CSPB) Project, Phase-II Department of Social Services (8th Floor) E-8/B-1, Agargaon, Dhaka. Calling for walk-in-interview (Walk-In-Interview) from Bangladeshi nationals for the following posts on a full temporary basis for the following posts of the CSPB project, Phase-II (duration up to December 2024) conducted with financial and technical assistance of UNICEF Bangladesh through the Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare.
DSS CSPB Job Circular 2024

CSPB Conditions:
1. Walk-in interviews of selected candidates will be held on 17/01/2024 at 11.00 AM at CSPB Project Office, Room No. 801, Department of Social Services (8th Floor), Agargaon, Dhaka.
2. Interested candidates are requested to appear on time along with the application form, Curriculum vitae (CV), original certificates of all educational qualifications, experience certificate, 2 (two) copies of passport size photograph, copy of the national identity card.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for participation in the walk-in interview.
4. The decision of the authority in the matter of receipt of application, selection, and appointment will be considered final.
5. The authority reserves full power to cancel/suspend/modify and reduce the process without assigning any reason.
6. The recruitment notification is available on the notice board and website ( of the Department of Social Services.