549 people have participated in the written test for the ‘Laboratory Attendant‘ post in the manpower recruitment examination for the vacant posts of the 3rd and 4th class of 1 Epidemiology Cell and 24 Quarantine Station under the Directorate of Livestock. Based on the written test results, the candidates with the following roll numbers are selected to participate in the oral test. The date and time of the oral examination will be notified later.
DLS Laboratory Attendant Result 2023

DLS Laboratory Technician Result 2023
5269 people participated in the written test against the 24 ‘Laboratory Technician posts in the manpower recruitment examination for the vacant posts of 3rd and 4th class of 1 Epidemiology Cell and 24 Quarantine Station under the Department of Livestock. Based on the written test results, the candidates with the following roll numbers are selected to participate in the oral test. The date and time of the oral examination will be notified later.

DLS Office Assistant Cum Computer Numerical Result 2023
5060 people participated in the written test against 23 posts of ‘Office Assistant Cum Computer Numerical‘- 1 Epidemiology Cell and 24 Quarantine Station under the Department of Livestock for the vacant posts of 3rd and 4th class. Out of which the candidates with the following roll numbers are selected to participate in the practical test on the basis of the results of the written test.