11/01/2013 AD of Field Administration-1 Division of Ministry of Lands. Dated 31,00,0000. No In pursuance of the clearance received in the memorandum, the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Bogra, is to fill up the following vacant posts under the revenue administration of Bogra through recruitment on a temporary basis as per the prevailing recruitment rules from the permanent residents of Bogra district on the following terms Online (http://dcbogura.teletalk.com.bd) Applications are being invited. The candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh and a permanent resident of the Bogra district. In the case of married female candidates, the husband’s permanent address should be mentioned. The application should be made along with the District Commissioner, Bogra.
After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, candidates will download and print the admit card containing the information such as roll number, post name, photo, exam date, time and place/center name, etc. the candidate
The admit card must be produced at the time of appearing in the written test and, if passed, at the time of the practical/oral test.
Apply Link: http://dcbogura.teletalk.com.bd/
dcbogura.teletalk.com.bd Apply – www.bogra.gov.bd

Apart from the newspaper, the notification can also be obtained by directly accessing the website of Bogra district web portal www.bogra.gov.bd and http://dcbogura teletalk.com.bd or by scanning the QR code on the job portal of Teletalk, the only state mobile operator of Bangladesh. The recruitment exam date, time other information can be known at www.bogra.gov.bd website.