Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Local Government Division, Union Parishad-2 Branch of Dhaka for the purpose of appointing 04 (four) vacancies of Secretary of Union Parishads under Manikganj District on 04 April 2023 with the aim of appointing people on a full temporary basis subject to the following conditions. On 31.05.2013 during office hours, only the permanent residents of the Manikganj district are invited to apply in the prescribed form.
DC Apply | Manikganj DC Office Job Circular 2023 –

Manikganj DC office appointment conditions:
01. The candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh and a permanent resident of the Manikganj district.
02. The application form in the form prescribed by the Deputy Commissioner, Manikganj should reach the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Manikganj by post on 31.05.2023 during office hours. No direct application will be accepted. Application form copy can be downloaded from the website If the application is not submitted in the prescribed schedule, the application will be considered defective and rejected.
03. Job candidates must apply through proper authority. No advance application will be accepted. In the case of married female candidates, the husband’s permanent address should be mentioned in the citizenship certificate.
04. The following documents should be attached to the application form.
- a) Attested copies of character certificate and educational qualification along with other certificates issued by the first class gazetted officer and 04 (four) copies of recent passport-size photographs (5×5 cm) along with the application form.
- b) Irrevocable bank draft/pay order of Tk 500/- (Five Hundred) in favor of Deputy Commissioner, Manikganj should be submitted from any branch of Sonali Bank Limited.
- c) In order to send the admit card to the correct address, the applicant should enclose with the application form a return envelope affixed with an unused postage stamp of Rs.
- d) Candidates’ age should be between 18-30 years as of 31.05,2023. However, the age limit is relaxable up to 32 years in the case of sons and daughters of veer mukti joddha/martyr veer mukti joddha and disabled persons. The age limit is 18-30 years for grandchildren of brave freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters. No affidavit will be accepted for proof of age. According to the instructions published by the Ministry of Public Administration on 22 September 2022, those who have reached the maximum age limit on 25 March 2020 will also be considered eligible to apply.
- e) The original copy of the nationality certificate issued by the mayor of the municipality of the candidate’s own area or the chairman of the concerned union council should be submitted. An attested photocopy of your National Identity Card and Birth Registration must be submitted.
- f) The name of the post and special quota (if any) should be written in bold letters on the envelope and the name and full address of the applicant should be written in legible letters on the left side.
- g) Certificate issued by Deputy Director of District Social Services Office in case of Physically Handicapped and Orphans.
- h) Certificate issued by the above authority as per the latest policy in the case of Ansar and VDP candidates.
- i) The attestation must be by a gazetted officer of the first class and must bear the seal with the clear name and designation of the officer.
- j) Attested photocopy of the certificate signed and countersigned by the competent authority as per the latest government circular of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs for the proof of the candidate’s father/mother or grandfather/grandmother, maternal grandfather/grandmother in the case of sons and daughters of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters and sons and daughters of sons and daughters.
- k) Candidates who have passed the written test and will be requested to participate in the oral test, will have to produce the original copies of all the certificates (including the original certificates signed by the appropriate authority in case of quota) along with the educational qualification certificate mentioned in the application at the time of the oral test. If any certificate is failed to be produced or any certificate is found to be false, the candidate’s application form and written examination will be considered void and legal action will be taken against him as per the rules.
- l) In filling up the post of Union Parishad Secretary, the latest regulations of the Government regarding quota for freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters and pets/women/Ansar/VDP/orphans/physically challenged/tribal/minor ethnic group candidates will be followed. In this case, the candidate has to produce the certificate/certificate issued by the appropriate authority in support of his quota claim during the oral examination.
05. Incomplete, defective, and late applications will be treated as outright rejection.
06. The authority reserves the right to suspend, modify and cancel the operation of this recruitment circular without assigning any reason.
07. Legal action will be taken by canceling the appointment of the concerned candidate if he/she is appointed to the job by concealing any information/providing wrong information.
08. No TA/DA will be given for appearing in written tests and interviews.
09. Any kind of lobbying in recruitment will be considered a disqualification of the candidate.
10. No special quota (freedom fighters/women/minor ethnic groups/orphans/physical Persons with Disabilities and members of Ansar and Village Defence) Unfilled posts are common if a post cannot be filled due to a lack of qualified candidates.