It is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that the Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board Entrance Examination 2024 will be held as per the below schedule. Board authorities can change this schedule for special needs.
Dakhil Exam Routine 2023 pdf Download

Dakhil Practical Exam Date 2024:
- From Saturday 27/05/2023 to Saturday 03/06/2023 (must be completed by the mentioned date).
- 04/06/2023 by 10 am on Sunday, print copies and practical answer sheets, signatures, and other ancillary examination papers should be arranged in the order of roll number and submitted manually to the submission branch of the board.
- The practical and Oral examinations will be held at respective centers.
Special Instructions for Dakhil Exam 2024:
1. 30 (thirty) minutes before the commencement of the examination, candidates must take their seats in the examination room.
2. The exam should be taken according to the time mentioned in the question paper. The original answer sheet of the examination cannot be used
3. First the multiple choice and then the creative/compositional (theory) test will be conducted and there will be no break between the two tests.
4. Candidates should collect their admit card from the head of their institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination.
5. Subjects Physical Education, Health Science, and Sports (142), and Career Education (145) will be provided by the educational institutions to the respective centers through continuous assessment as per the guidelines of NCTB. The concerned Central Secretary will send the marks obtained in the continuous assessment along with the marks of the practical examination online on the website of the board.
6. Candidates should fill the circle in their respective answer sheets by filling the circle in the OMR form with the roll number, registration number, subject code, etc. Under no circumstances should the answer sheet be folded.
7. Candidates have to pass creative/compositional (theoretical), multiple choice, and practical sections separately.
8. Every candidate can appear in the examination of the subject/subjects mentioned in the registration card only. Under no circumstances will you be able to participate in the examination in a different subject.
9. Candidates can use a general scientific calculator in the exam.
10. No one other than the Secretary will be allowed to bring and use mobile phones in the examination center. Union Secretary can use normal (non-android) mobile phones for communication purposes.
11. The same signature should be used for the candidate’s appearance in creative/compositional (theoretical), multiple choice, practical, and oral (where applicable) examinations.
12. Practical and Oral Examinations will be held at Swa Swa Centre. However, if there is no Science Department in the Central Madrasah, the practical examination will be held in the Madrasah having a Science Department under the Centre.
13. The oral exam will be conducted on Qiraat Tartil and Hadar (Subject Code-120) of the Mujabbid Section and Hifjul Qur’an Dawr (Subject Code-122) of the Hifjul Qur’an Section.
14. Application for re-verification can be made online through SMS within 07 (seven) days of publication of exam results.