List of primarily selected candidates for the post “Officer” (Job ID-10126) (Base Year-2019) of 08 Banks/FI. details.. (469 KB) [download]. 2478 Posts of 8 Bank Jobs Final Results Released. List of selected candidates for 2478 vacant posts of ‘Officer’ (Job ID-10126) based on 2019 in 8 Banks/Financial Institutions. 2478 of ‘Officers’ as of 2019 in 8 Banks/Financial Institutions as members of Bankers Selection Committee,
- Sonali Bank Plc (758),
- Janata Bank Plc (121),
- Rupali Bank Ltd (69),
- Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd (03),
- Ansar-VDP Development Bank (57)
- Bangladesh Krishi Bank (1440),
- Rajshahi Krishi Development Bank (3) and
- Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (27)}
for the recruitment of vacant posts of this secretariat dated 23/02/2021 recruitment circular number- 33/2021 2478 (Two Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight) candidates have been preliminarily selected for recruitment in the following Banks/Financial Institutions following the government regulations related to recruitment from the panel prepared in order of merit based on the marks obtained in the written and oral examination held in the context.
Combined 8 Bank Officer Post Result 2023