Department Order regarding Oral Examination. For the direct recruitment of Bangladesh Water Development Board for the post of Assistant Director (Non-Director) as per the recruitment circular published on 22-12-2022 Oral examination of the candidates with roll numbers as mentioned below were selected for an oral examination based on written examination conducted as per the following date and schedule Room No-706, Level -7, Pani Bhavan, 72 Green Road, Dhaka will be held.
BWDB Viva Schedule 2023 –
2. Candidates having the roll number mentioned above are requested to attend the oral examination at the scheduled place, date, and time. The admit card issued for the written test must be carried out and produced during the oral test. Note, No separate admit card will be issued for the oral examination.
3. Candidates must bring original copies of all certificates of educational qualifications mentioned in the recruitment circular and marks of experience/qualifications other than those mentioned in the application and must be produced at the time of oral examination. Besides, the original copies of the below-mentioned documents should be submitted: 01 sets of attested copies should be submitted:
- a. All educational qualification certificates and mark sheets including SSC/Equivalent, HSC/Equivalent, and Honors.
- b. 02 copies of passport-size color photographs (recently taken and similar to the photo attached to the application).
- c. Permanent address mentioned in the job application form, issued by the concerned Union Parishad Chairman/Municipal Mayor/City Corporation Ward Commissioner/Councillor in support of own district and nationality (own district mentioned:) Nationality/Citizenship Certificate.
- d. Character Certificate issued by First Class Gazetted Officer/First Class Officer of Bangladesh Water Development Board.
- e. Equivalency Certificate issued by the University Grants Commission in respect of degrees obtained from foreign educational institutions.
- (f) In case of freedom fighter quota candidates, all certificates related to freedom fighters (such as temporary certificate issued by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, Bamus certificate countersigned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister), copy of Red Muktibarta, copy of Indian list, copy of gazette, freedom fighter S, S, C certificate of freedom fighter/ birth certificate, death certificate of deceased freedom fighter for proof of age.
- g. Physical Disability Certificate issued by the concerned authority in case of Physically Handicapped Quota candidates.
- h. No objection letter bearing the official seal, signature, and date of the appointing authority in case of candidates working in other institutions
- i. In the case of departmental candidates above documents along with permission taken before applying.
- (j) Candidate’s National Identity Card (NID).
- (k) Computer training certificate from any institution.
04. If he fails to produce original copies and attested copies of the said documents during the oral examination, he is appointed and will be considered ineligible.
05. No travel allowance/per diem or any other financial benefit will be provided for appearing in the oral examination.