Office of Divisional Forest Officer, Department of Social Forests, Dhaka, Recruitment Examination Schedule for various posts under the Directorate of Forests. Exam Date: 19 May 2023 Technical support for downloading the admit card issued by the candidate and sending the user ID and password through SMS to the registered mobile of the initially selected candidate and publishing the notification on the Teletalk website regarding the notification of the center and schedule of the written test.
In view of the above, it is to be informed that against the published recruitment circular for the recruitment of manpower for the posts of ‘Forest Guard (Forest Guard)’ and ‘Office Assistant’ under the revenue sector of grades 17 to 20 under Dhaka Division under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The written examination of the valid candidates will be held on May 19, 2023, at 3:00 PM at Government Titumir College, Mohakhali, Dhaka, and Banani Vidyaniketan School and College, Banani, Dhaka for Office Assistants. Admit cards have already been issued to eligible candidates for the posts of “Forest Guard (Bon Parhari)” and “Office Assistant” to participate in the written examination.
Admit Card Download:
CFCC Admit Card Download 2023 –

Technique to download the said issued admit card from the concerned candidate from Teletalk website from 09/05/2023 till the examination start time (19/05/2023 date till 3:00 PM) Arrangement and notification sent on 09/05/2023 regarding sending of a User ID and Password through SMS to mobile phones registered only in the name of valid candidates and the issue of admit card for written examination and notification of examination center and schedule 09/ From 05/2023 to 19/05/2023 AD: It is requested to take necessary measures to advertise on Teletalk website and
Dhaka Forest Department Recruitment Circular 2023