BSEC Job Circular 2024

Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) issued a directive ref. No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009- 193/08 dated March 10, 2021, imposing some conditions and compliances to all listed companies and stock exchanges to conduct general meetings (AGM/EGM) of listed company using hybrid system in combination of the physical presence of shareholders at the venue of general meeting and presence or connection of shareholders by using digital platform or online platform to ensure, among others, the voting and other rights of the shareholders as well as limitations and compliances of other regulatory frameworks. As per the said Directive, an Independent Service Provider (ISP) or any entity as appointed by the issuer company from the ISP panel of BSEC shall provide the service of a digital platform for conducting general meetings (AGM/EGM) and online e-voting platform or system to the company in compliance of the Commission’s Directive and Order issued from time to time.

In this connection, to protect the interest of investors and ensure their rights, BSEC has initiated to enlist the ISP. As such, firms or entities who are capable of providing digital platform service are hereby invited to apply, if meet the following eligibility criteria and have no disqualification, for inclusion in the independent service Providers’ panel of BSEC: The complete EOI/application should be submitted by 29 February by 4.00 P.M. to the undersigned. The Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI for Independent Service Providers’ Panel selection by BSEC.


BSEC Job Circular 2024

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