BRTA Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam Time Table and Seat Arrangement 2023. Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) Job Exam Timetable and Seat Allocation Release. Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) Motor Vehicle Inspector [10th Grade] Written Exam Date & Time Table, Seat Arrangement and Instructions for Candidates. The written examination of 259 candidates who have passed the Selection Test (MCQ) for the post of Motor Vehicle Inspector [10th Grade] of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) under the Road Transport and Highways Department will be held as per the date, time and seat pattern mentioned below at the center.
BRTA Motor Vehicle Inspector Admit and Seat Plan 2023
The candidate’s registration number consists of 6 (six) digits. Suppose the registration number of an examinee is less than 6 (six) digits. In that case, the digits (numbers) of the registration number should be filled in the cell/cells to the left with 0 (zero) in the appropriate cell of the answer sheet with a black ink ball point pen and fill the applicable circle below. Candidates have to attend the written test for the post of “Motor Vehicle Inspector” [10th Grade] with an admit card downloaded from Commission website or Teletalk website No fresh admit card will be issued in favor of the candidates. In case of lost or destroyed admit card of a candidate can be downloaded from the Commission website Teletalk website No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without admit card.