Bangladesh Rural Development Board (brdb) final result of recruitment examination for various posts published. For the post of Computer Cum Credit Assistant (CCA) of the Productive Employment Program (PEP) based on the result (merit) of the written examination held on 08.07.2023 and subsequent oral examination and the recommendation of the Recruitment and Promotion Committee for Grade 3 and 4 of the program and the Director General, With the approval of Sir, BRDB invites the following candidates for the post of Computer cum Credit Assistant (CCA) as Apprentice on National Pay Scale/2015 (16-Grade) in the pay scale of Rs. The appointment was given on that basis.

Rural Development Board CCA Exam Final Result 2024

It is hereby informed for the information of all concerned that under the Production Oriented Employment Program (PEP), 14th Grade Field Organizer and 16th Grade Computer Cum Credit Assistant (CCA) posts of BRDB are pending in order of merit as per the marks obtained in written and oral examination and prevailing rules. The list of candidates having the below-mentioned roll numbers selected from the list has been released.