Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center recruitment exam for various posts will be held on May 26, 2023, in Dhaka city. The exam will be held at 10 am. The exam admits card is already downloaded. You can use the below link to download to enter the exam. The center list and room number are given on the admit card. Then if anyone has a problem downloading the admit card then you input the password correctly.
Admit Card Download:
BPATC Admit Card 2023 –

Applicant’s General Instructions:
1. Candidates must bring the Admit Card and show it to the invigilator (s) on duty.
2. Photograph contained in this Admit Card will be matched with the photograph attached to the original application.
3. Mobile Phones, Calculators, or any Electronic Device (including a digital watch) are NOT ALLOWED.
4. Authority reserves all rights to take any kind of punitive measure against any candidate who adopts unfair means or misbehaves in the examination hall.
5. Candidates are instructed to follow the website ‘’ for a result of the written examination.
6. Candidates qualified in the written examination will appear in the viva voce as per instructions.
7. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the examination.
8. This Admit Card will be considered as admit card for written examination and viva voce.
Bangladesh Publication Administration Training Centre