BA and BSS Exam-2020 Results Re-Review. Bangladesh Open University conducted BA and BSS Exam-2020 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-semester results along with subject-wise final results have been released. Students who wish to get their results re-checked should apply online.
BOU BA and BSS Board Challenge 2023
BOU Board Challenge Rules 2023
Application form for Re-verification of BA & BSS Result 2020 is available at the web address under the “Re-verification & Re-examination” link (application and fee submission rules are given in the said link). The said form should be duly filled and sent to the mentioned web address by next 11/05/2023 and payment of Rs.500/- (Five Hundred) towards the re-audit fee through Mobile Cash ‘Cash’. No application and fee can be submitted after the due date. It is requested to take necessary measures to inform all sub-regional centers, study centers, and concerned students under your regional center.