The result of the selection (MCQ Type) examination for the post of ‘Staff Nurse’ (Grade-10) of Border Guard Bangladesh under the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of Home Affairs has been announced. ‘Staff Nurse’ (Grade-10) Selection (MCQ Type) Examination Results of Border Guard Bangladesh under Public Security Department of Ministry of Home Affairs. Below is the selection (MCQ Type) examination held on 18.01.2024 for direct recruitment to the post of Border Guard Bangladesh “Staff Nurse” (Grade-10) (Notification Date: 27.09.2023, Notification No-70) under Public Security Department of Ministry of Home Affairs. Candidates holding the mentioned registration number have been provisionally selected for the written test.
The Commission reserves the right to amend the results published if any correction is required for reasonable reasons. The result of the selection test will be available on the Commission’s website and the notice board. In the case of a candidate, if there is a significant (substantive) deficiency of any of the conditions mentioned in the relevant recruitment circular, the candidature of the concerned candidate will be deemed to be canceled at any stage before or after the oral examination. Venue, date, time table, and other information related to the written exam will be published later in the national daily newspaper and on the Commission’s website This notice is available on the website of the Bangladesh Public Works Commission and the website of Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd.
Border Guard Staff Nurse Result 2024