Online applications are invited from permanent citizens of Bangladesh to fill up the following vacant posts under the revenue sector of the Bureau of Mineral Resources Development (BMD) on a temporary basis through the website. Candidates who wish to participate in the exam will fill out the application form at website. Online application form filling and examination fee submission. Date and Time of Application Form Filling and Fee Submission: 20th March 2023, 10.00 am. Last date and time for submission of the application form: is 06th April 2023, 05.00 PM. Last date of submission of the application form i.e. 06th April 2023, 05.00 PM only candidates who have received the User ID can submit the examination fee by following the prescribed procedure mentioned in the notification through SMS till 72 hours after that time. No application will be accepted after the prescribed date and time.
খনিজ সম্পদ উন্নয়ন ব্যুরো নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩

After completing the online application form by properly filling the application form and uploading the photo and signature according to the instructions, the application preview with the photo can be seen on the computer. Candidates who submit the application form correctly will get a User ID photo and an Applicant’s copy with a signature. The applicant’s copy should be downloaded and saved by the candidate.
A User ID number will be given on the applicant’s copy. Candidates using a User ID number can use any Teletalk pre-paid mobile number in the following manner through 2 (two) separate SMS for an application fee of Tk.200/- (two hundred) and a service charge of Tk.23 (twenty-three) (non-refundable) Deposit a total of 223 (two hundred and twenty-three) Taka within the next 72 (seventy-two) hours. It is especially noted that ‘Even if all the parts of the application form have been filled and submitted online, the online application form will not be accepted under any circumstances until the examination fee is submitted.